I am stuck in a cypher query and would need help to be able to fix it

            MATCH (user:USER {email: $user_email})-[follows:FOLLOWS]->(community:COMMUNITY)
            WHERE tolower(follows.role) IN ['owner', 'Owner']
             AND community.deleted_at IS NULL
            AND user.deleted_at IS NULL
            AND NOT EXISTS {
            MATCH (community)<-[otherFollows:FOLLOWS]-(otherUser:USER)
            WHERE tolower(otherFollows.role) IN ['owner', 'Owner']
            AND otherFollows.id < follows.id
            WITH community, MIN(follows.id) AS minFollowsId, follows
            WHERE minFollowsId = follows.id
            RETURN DISTINCT community

above community brings all the communities where the user's role is owner or Owner. There is relation named 'follows' between a user and community. A user follows a community
role property is set on that follow relation.
consider a community which has only 1 member 'Kunal' and Kunal is owner of that community.
consider another community which has 1 member Ankit and he is the owner of that community.
Now Kunal follows that community and the role is given as owner.
Now even though Kunal is the owner of 2 communities he is considered as owner of 1st community only because he was the first owner made. if a member is given role as owner and if there is already a owner that role is not considered as owner.

I need to update the above cypher query to fetch communities on which user is the first owner.
We can fetch that by looking into the id property set on follows relationship data. with role id is also getting stored, so the person with lowest id is considered as owner.

This doesn’t work?

MATCH (user:USER {email: $user_email})-[follows:FOLLOWS]->(community:COMMUNITY)
WHERE tolower(follows.role) IN ['owner', 'Owner']
AND community.deleted_at IS NULL
AND user.deleted_at IS NULL
   MATCH (community)<-[otherFollows:FOLLOWS]-(otherUser:USER)
   WHERE tolower(otherFollows.role) IN ['owner', 'Owner']
   AND otherUser.deleted_at IS NULL
   AND otherFollows.id < follows.id
RETURN community

Also, since you are using toLower on the role attribute, it can only match ‘owner’ and never ‘Owner’, thus you don’t need the IN class. You can look for equality with ‘owner’. You can also get rid of the toLower and use a case insensitive regex predicate.