How to use neo4j-admin import while importing the csv file from s3

I am trying to import my CSV from S3, I am using neo4j-admin import tool for that.
Is it possible to import a csv file from s3 using the neo4j-admin import tool ?
I couldn't find it in the documentation.

Make sure you enable CSV import option in the neo4j configuration file and try the below command -

CREATE (:Person{ Id: line.Id, Name: line.Name,Age: line.age})


I am trying to use neo4j-admin import tool . The csv has around 2mil records and according to the documentation LOAD CSV should be use for a small data set and neo4j-admin import tool for the larger dataset

the issue with neo4j-admin import vs load csv is neo4j-admin import can only be used on an empty graph databases whereas load csv can be used on an empty graph or a graph which already has data

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Hi Dana
That's what my question is ! lets assume my graph database is empty, can I then import the csv file directly from s3 using the neo4j-admin import tool ??

Hey Vella did you find a solution? I am trying to do the sme thing !
Thanks !