After running the inconsistency tool in neo4j , report is generated.
Want to know , how to fix those inconsistencies ?
Below is the snapshot of report
WARN : Inconsistencies found: ConsistencySummaryStatistics{
Number of errors: 19730
Number of warnings: 0
Number of inconsistent NODE records: 47
Number of inconsistent PROPERTY records: 19642
Number of inconsistent STRING_PROPERTY records: 20
Number of inconsistent RELATIONSHIP records: 21
While counts store and index inconsistencies can be resolved through trashing and recreating of relevant files, the inconsistencies here will require a copy out of the consistent records (and thus the pruning of any inconsistent records found).
If you're using 4.x then you can use the neo4j-admin copy command:
If you're using 3.x, then you will need to use the store-utils instead:
For how to address other inconsistencies, we have a knowledge base article here:
I have gone throught the links you shared above and below are the concerns -
I did not get the link or binaries for store-utils of 3.5.28. I am getting it for 3.5.23 and link for the same is Releases · jexp/store-utils · GitHub
Regarding other inconsistencies i am facing , Below is the list of with types of inconsistencies and their count. Below mentioned inconsistencies are not covered in the link shared by you. How to move forward to solve these inconsistencies in this case ?
20 ERROR: The next block is not in use.
29 ERROR: The next property record does not have this record as its previous record.
1 ERROR: The next property record is not in use.
1 ERROR: The next record in the source chain does not have this record as its previous record.
2 ERROR: The property chain contains multiple properties that have the same property key id, which means that the entity has at least one duplicate property.
1 ERROR: The referenced property record is not in use.
30 ERROR: The referenced property record is not the first in its property chain.
2 ERROR: There is another node in the unique index with the same property value(s).
19612 ERROR: The string block is not in use.
12 ERROR: This node was not found in the expected index.
2 ERROR: This record should be the first in the source chain, but the source node does not reference this record.
18 ERROR: This record should be the first in the target chain, but the target node does not reference this record.
I got the success in running the command and it has created the store-copy.log.
May I know the next step ? And what is the use of store-copy.log ?
The store-copy log likely just captures the log of the store copy process, just to review what it did.
It should have created a copy of the database that is now free of inconsistencies (all inconsistent records have been dropped). You should be able to move or restore this in Neo4j and you'll have your consistent graph.