How to return node with most incoming relationships of a specific type

Hi all,

I have a list of Products and Persons. A Product can have relationships to different Persons, such as "hasProductOwner", "hasDeveloper", "hasTechnicalWriter", etc. (these are effectively roles that a person can have for a Product).

A Person can have multiple roles for the same Product or across different Products.

I want to find the Person with the most roles across all Products (i.e. the count), as well as I want to list all the roles that this person has against which product.

I am running this query, which gets me the results, but a) it says it's deprecated and b) how do I filter that I only want to count relationship between Product and Person of a certain type (e.g. only "hasProductOwner", "hasDeveloper", "hasTechnicalWriter") ?

This gives me the count

MATCH (pr:Product`)-[r*0..1]-(pe:Person`)

WITH pe, count(r) as rs

RETURN pe.lastName, rs


This gives me the list of relationships

MATCH (pr:Product`)-[r*0..1]-(pe:Person`)

WITH pe, collect(r) as rs

RETURN pe.lastName, rs

This gives me an error, as the type() function expect a relationship, not a list of relationships

MATCH (pr:Product`)-[r*0..1]-(pe:Person`)

WITH pe, collect(type(r)) as rs

RETURN pe.lastName, rs

Many thanks

Thanks for your answer!

I read a bit more about the collect() function and ended up writing this, which works well.

MATCH (pr:Product)-[r]->(pe:Person)
WITH pe, collect({role:type(r), product: pr.uri}) as rolesOnProducts, count(r) as roleCount
RETURN pe.lastName as "Last Name", roleCount, rolesOnProducts

Best regards

Hello @argytzak :slightly_smiling_face:

MATCH path=(product:Product)-[r*0..1]-(person:Person)
WITH person, [relationship IN relationships(path) | type(relationship)] AS types
RETURN person.lastName, types
