Hi, there.
I am new with neo4j. I am trying to get a shortest path between two nodes.
I am using the Shortest Path algorithm in the Neo4j Graph Data Science library.
It is easy to get the shortest path. However, I also want more information from the relationships.
Here my cyphers:
// Nodes
MERGE (a:Loc {name:'A'})
MERGE (b:Loc {name:'B'})
MERGE (c:Loc {name:'C'})
// Relationship
MERGE (a)-[:ROAD {cost:2, type:'Path'}]->(b)
MERGE (b)-[:ROAD {cost:1, type:'Lift'}]->(c)
MERGE (a)-[:ROAD {cost:5, type:'Path'}]->(c);
// Get Shortest Path
MATCH (start:Loc{name:"A"}), (end:Loc{name:"C"})
CALL gds.alpha.shortestPath.stream({
nodeQuery:'MATCH(n:Loc) RETURN id(n) AS id',
relationshipQuery:'MATCH(n:Loc)-[r:ROAD]->(m:Loc) RETURN id(n) AS source, id(m) AS target, r.cost AS cost',
startNode: start,
endNode: end,
relationshipWeightProperty: 'cost'
YIELD nodeId, cost
RETURN gds.util.asNode(nodeId).name AS name, cost;
Oh, ok.
Maybe you've to add it in the first MATCH, because I noticed now that you've add it only inside the CALL and so your query cannot use it. If you want to use it, you've to add it in MATCH.
MATCH (start:Loc{name:"A"}), (end:Loc{name:"C"}), (start)-[r:ROAD]->(end)
CALL gds.alpha.shortestPath.stream({
nodeQuery:'MATCH(n:Loc) RETURN id(n) AS id',
relationshipQuery:'MATCH(n:Loc)-[r:ROAD]->(m:Loc) RETURN id(n) AS source, id(m) AS target, r.cost AS cost',
startNode: start,
endNode: end,
relationshipWeightProperty: 'cost'
YIELD nodeId, cost
RETURN gds.util.asNode(nodeId).name AS name, end.name as Target, r.Type as Road.Type, cost;
In this way, you should be able to print, but I'm sure that this will be fully correct, maybe we need to do another step.
I want to retrieve the relationship data in the shortest path. Anyone can help?
(a)-[:ROAD {cost:2, type:'Path'}]->(b)
(b)-[:ROAD {cost:1, type:'Lift'}]->(c)
where a.name = "A" and b.name = "B"
return a.name as Source, b.name as Target, r.type as Type, r.cost as Cost
where c.name = "C" and b.name = "B"
return b.name as Source, c.name as Target, r.type as Type, r.cost as Cost
Add r.type as RoadType in the RETURN statement to get the road type in the final result.
MATCH (start:Loc{name:"A"}), (end:Loc{name:"C"}), (start)-[r:ROAD]->(end)
CALL gds.alpha.shortestPath.stream({
nodeQuery:'MATCH(n:Loc) RETURN id(n) AS id',
relationshipQuery:'MATCH(n:Loc)-[r:ROAD]->(m:Loc) RETURN id(n) AS source, id(m) AS target, r.cost AS cost, r.type as RoadType',
startNode: start,
endNode: end,
relationshipWeightProperty: 'cost'
YIELD nodeId, cost
RETURN gds.util.asNode(nodeId).name AS name, end.name as Target, RoadType, cost;
Thank you so much, ameyasoft.
In fact, it doesn't work.
RoadType in relationshipQuery cannot be returned. If it can be returned, my problem would be solved.
I just want to have the information in relationshipQuery, such as source, target, and type.
However, it cannot be returned in the result.
Try this. This shows three paths, A-B, A-C and B-C:
MATCH(n:Loc)-[r:ROAD]->(m:Loc) RETURN n.name AS source, m.name AS target, r.cost AS cost, r.type as RoadType
I'm encoutering the exact same problem, I managed to get the relationship types between each step, but instead of returning the relationship that guided the shortest path algorithm, I get every single relationship between each node.
MATCH (start:Loc{name:"A"}), (end:Loc{name:"C"}), (start)-[r:ROAD]->(end)
CALL gds.alpha.shortestPath.stream({
nodeQuery:'MATCH(n:Loc) RETURN id(n) AS id',
relationshipQuery:'MATCH(n:Loc)-[r:ROAD]->(m:Loc) RETURN id(n) AS source, id(m) AS target, r.cost AS cost',
startNode: start,
endNode: end,
relationshipWeightProperty: 'cost'
YIELD nodeId, cost
RETURN gds.util.asNode(nodeId).name AS name, end.name as Target, type(r) as roadType, cost;