Hi, I just found out that Neo4j has an option called "Connect result nodes" which shows connections between nodes matched in a query. I want to replicate it (to plot the graph with python), but I don't understand why I can't achieve it. I want to build an ego-network of a node, so when I match all the nodes I need, I also want to show the connections between them.
I found out an APOC procedure called "apoc.algo.cover()" which should do this job, but it just doesn't "work".
This is an esample without "Connect result nodes" check in Neo4J:
MATCH p=(node {name:'ERN1'})-[*1]-(othernodes)
with collect(othernodes) as otherNodesList,p
call apoc.algo.cover(otherNodesList) yield rel
return startNode(rel),rel,endNode(rel),p limit 20
As you can see, I used the procedure but I don't see connections between them. I used "limit 20" because we are talking about thousands of nodes, but the result is the same. I just see self connections, and that's ok, but it's not enough. This is the same query but with "Connect result nodes" checked in Neo4j Browser:
And there they are, connections between nodes. Why can't I achieve the same even if I use the procedure? What's wrong there?