I have a graph that generally looks like this:
And, :B
represents a kind of "study" that was done that yielded some result. So, as quite often is the case, there are many B's for each A/C pairing.
What I'd like to do is return the distinct A/C pairs, but only the "best" B (by score
property) between them for each pair. I've tried something like:
match (a:A)-[:HAS_B]->(b:B)-[:HAS_C]->(c:C)
return * order by b.score desc limit 1
But, this limits the entire query to a single row, returned (a single A/C pair). I've thought about collecting all the B's together in a list and taking the top one, but this also doesn't have the desired results:
match (a:A)-[:HAS_B]->(b:B)-[:HAS_C]->(c:C)
with * order by b.score desc
return a, c, head(collect(b)) as b
I've also considered a two-pass query (first get all the A/C pairs, then go back and get the best B connecting them), but I've been stumped implementing it.
Any help appreciated. Thanks!