How to model time series data in neo4j

I have a time series data. below is the sample of the data

Date comment_by comment
01-05-2023 05:30 complainant some_comment
24-05-2023 17:49 officer_comments some_comment
27-05-2023 11:02 complainant some_comment
09-06-2023 05:30 officer_comments some_comment
09-06-2023 08:21 officer_comments some_comment

how to model this data in neo4j? can anyone please suggest resource materials for time series data modelling in neo4j


i had similar experience and simply choose to rely upon the date/time field to provide the order and when using a cypher order by clause.
And so my model was effectively < N > relationships off a single node. And then to build out the order of event a simply

match (n:Node {id: <anchorNode>})-[:EVENT]->((n2:Event) return n2 order by n2.<datetimestamp property>;

This is in contrast to for example building out a long relationship path for example

 match (n:Node {id: <anchorNode>})-[:EVENT]-> (event1) -->(event2) -->(event3) --> (event4) --> .... ..... ....(event<N>)

Check this link. Call detail records are modeled.