Ok, when you model in Neo4j you have to take into account which are the most important entities in your problem, such as Persons, Hospitals, Banks or in your case Authors, Organizations and Universities; this will be your nodes' labels (which are the way you can categorize nodes in Neo4j). Then you pay attention in the way these entities interact, for example, Persons are Treated in Hospitals, Persons Have Bank Accounts in Banks, these will be the relationships; and in your case Authors are Affiliated to Organizations, Organizations Have Universities, or Universities Are Inside Organizations; it's semantically the same, but it could be useful to have the relationship in this direction (keep in my mind that you should only have one semantically symmetrical relationship between two nodes, unless it is necessary for your model; i.e. if Peter is friends with John, then it's inferred that John is also friends with Peter). Finally, the data that adds context and uniqueness to your nodes or relationships, like a Person's name, their social security number, a Bank Account's id, etc., will be the properties (you can have properties inside the nodes and the relationships). The name of the Author, the Organization and the University could be our properties for this case
Now, this would be visualization of the model that we could do with the data you provided:
I'ts an example, of course, we could change it if we identify that the requirements of the model aren´t fulfilled, but this will suffice for now.
Note that the authors are related only to the organizations, and these organizations have their relationships towards universities, this way even if there's no direct link, the authors are linked to universities.
In order to create this model we would have to generate the proper Cypher queries, and adapt the input of data according to its format, using LOAD CSV, or the APOC Library, etc.
Also, there's no need to store the linking properties, like A['Author', 'org1'], the link is stored as a relationship, Neo4j doesn't require foreign keys, relationships are stored as data, not inferred with joins like in SQL.
So, I hope this helps you, please let me know if this was actually of aid or if I misunderstood your question.