Neo4j community server 4.3.4 Ubuntu 20.04
I have a question that I wasn't able to solve:
while importing from a CSV file, with ";" as separator, I have a field which contains some element separed by comma.
I need to UNWIND
those elements and create a relationship between two nodes maintaining the source ordering, as in the followin fragment:
MATCH (x:X {uuid: "xyz"}
UNWIND allowedTypes as allowedType
MATCH (p:P {name: trim(allowedType)})
MERGE (x)-[isAllowedWith:IS_ALLOWED_WITH]->(p)
SET isAllowedWith.order = <Ordinal position in the allowedTypes array>
I tried
SET isAllowedWith.order = datetime.realtime()
It run, but I don't really like the approach.
I give a look at the documentation, but have no idea how to solve the problem.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.