The docs only show how to install "grandstack starter" on a sandbox.
After a lot of Attempts and small errors (Again the docs missing) - this is a step-by-step visual guide.
npx create-grandstack-app grandStack_myNewApp_6
Click enter for all options (Deafult setting).
I don't know if this is a bug -or- error - anyway change this:
To =>
B. Neo4J browser
1/3. Create a database + match the password to env
2/3. Install APOC
3/3. Start server
C. The tricky "weird" part
Terminal one (Of two)
npm run start
Terminal two (Open one more terminal)
**again: While terminal one is running also run this command.
cd api
npm run seedDb
Close this terminal connection (ctrl + c).
Why two terminals?
If I run only one I get this error (And other errors):
Error: Network error: request to http://localhost:4001/graphql failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED
Done :)
Data loaded:
** Test on windows 10
** If you get "weird/rare" errors try => npm cache clean --force