How to get Neo4j to correctly represent certain extended characters

This post is specifically about the Macron character "¯" (ALT+00AF), but it applies to many characters in the Unicode character set.

We imported a set of nodes from a CSV file where one of the properties was the value: "MinRep¯D"

When we searched for the nodes
MATCH (n {property:'MinRep¯D'}) RETURN count(n)
returned a zero count. We investigated and found that Neo4j had interpreted (and stored) MinRep¯D as 'MinRep�D'
MATCH (n {property:'MinRep�D'}) RETURN count(n)
will return the correct count!

How can we get Neo4j to store the macro character correctly?



If there is a specification as to why it is handled this way, can someone point me to it, please?
