How to get all the nodes with and without relationships

I am just trying to learn Neo4j with cyper

here is the use case I want to find all the nodes with and without relationships

match p=(a)-->(b)

with p limit 25

unwind nodes(p) as n unwind relationships(p) as r

with collect( distinct {id: ID(n), label: COALESCE(, n.title)}) as nl,

collect( distinct {id: ID(r), source: ID(startnode(r)), target: ID(endnode(r)), label: TYPE(r)}) as rl

RETURN {nodes: nl, relationships: rl}

but this query only returns nodes that have relationships but I also want to return all nodes that don't have relationships and want to merge the list with nl

Thank you so much

Try the following if you want a list of each node that includes its list of relationships. Nodes without relationships will have null values for the relationship properties:

optional match (n)-[r]-()
with id(n) as node, collect({id: id(r), type: type(r), startNode: id(startNode(r)), endNode: id(endNode(r))}) as rel
return {node: node, relationships: rel}

Try the following if you just want a list of all nodes and all relationships not correlated with each other:

with collect({id: id(n), labels: labels(n)}) as nodes
call {
    match (x)-[r]-(y)
    where id(x) < id(y)
    return collect({id:r, type: type(r), startNode: id(startNode(r)), endNode: id(endNode(r))}) as relationships
return nodes, relationships

Change the node's 'label' property to be what you want, and/or add additional properties from the node.