I started to learn Neo4j a few days ago.
I'm using it to find best path and make some analyzes.
The logic is a Person (id, name) can go to a Restaurant (id, name) via some Street (id, name). The connection between them have a cost. PS: All streets have a connection between them. For example:
(Person {id: 1})-[CONNECTION {cost:10}]->(Street {id: 1})
(Person {id: 1})-[CONNECTION {cost:11}]->(Street {id: 2})
(Street {id: 1})-[CONNECTION {cost:4}]->(Street {id: 2})
(Street {id: 2})-[CONNECTION {cost:11}]->(Restaurant {id: 1})
(Street {id: 2})-[CONNECTION {cost:7}]->(Restaurant {id: 2})
I am using Dijkstra to find all best path to all Restaurant for a specific Person. But the problem is that I can't set the maximum depth, and I would like to limit a maximum of 3 streets. How could I do that?
CALL gds.graph.project(
['Person', 'Street' 'Restaurant'],
relationshipProperties: 'cost'
MATCH (source:Person{id:1})
CALL gds.allShortestPaths.dijkstra.stream('Person-Street-Restaurant', {
sourceNode: source,
relationshipWeightProperty: 'cost'
YIELD sourceNode, targetNode, totalCost, nodeIds
WHERE 'Restaurant' IN LABELS(gds.util.asNode(targetNode))
gds.util.asNode(sourceNode).name AS sourceNodeName,
gds.util.asNode(targetNode).name AS targetNodeName,
[nodeId IN nodeIds | gds.util.asNode(nodeId).name] AS nodeNames,
SIZE(nodeIds) AS hops
ORDER BY totalCost
The best path is: P->S#3->S#4->S#5->R, total cost 7. But if I limit to 2 streets, it should be P->S#1->S#2->R, total cost 10. PS: In this example is easy because we have fewer connections, but in real case we have a lot and all streets have connection between them.
I also tried to find all paths by MATCH p1(Person)-[:CONNECTION*3..3]->(Restaurant), but no success.