How to efficiently query over 100 million nodes on a system with 16GB RAM?

Hello everyone,

I am currently working with a Neo4j database that contains billions of nodes, and my system has only 16GB of physical RAM. I'm encountering memory issues, especially when running complex queries that involve large-scale node aggregations. The system often returns "Neo.TransientError.General.MemoryPoolOutofMemoryError"

Here is an example of the query logic I am using:

WHERE cs.cs_bill_customer_sk = c.c_customer_sk
AND c.c_current_addr_sk = ca.ca_address_sk
AND cs.cs_sold_date_sk = d.d_date_sk
AND (ca.ca_zip IN [85669, 86197, 88274,83405, 86475, 85392, 85460, 80348,81792]
OR ca.ca_state IN ['CA', 'WA', 'GA']
OR cs.cs_sales_price > 500)
AND d.d_qoy = 2
AND d.d_year = 2001
RETURN ca.ca_zip AS ca_zip, SUM(cs.cs_sales_price) AS total_sales_price
ORDER BY ca_zip
LIMIT 100;

I understand that this is not the most optimal query approach, but currently, I need to build joins instead of using edges . Under this approach, performance issues become more prominent. When running similar queries, I frequently encounter memory limitations.

To address this, I have already tried the following optimizations:

  1. Adjusting memory settings:
  • dbms.memory.heap.initial_size=4G
  • dbms.memory.heap.max_size=11G
  • dbms.memory.pagecache.size=4G
  1. Using indexes: I've created indexes on the main fields involved in the queries.

Despite these efforts, I still hit memory bottlenecks in some query scenarios. Given that my system only has 16GB of RAM, I would appreciate any additional optimization strategies or best practices for handling large-scale datasets in this context.

Also, any suggestions regarding data modeling, query optimization, or best practices for efficiently building joins in a graph database would be greatly appreciated! Thank you all in advance!


What version of Neo4j?

Have you tried to PROFILE the query to understand how the query is processed?

I understand that this is not the most optimal query approach, but currently, I need to build joins instead of using edges .

that just seems to rather defeat any / all benefit a graph database and with edges offers.

  1. Adjusting memory settings:
  • dbms.memory.heap.initial_size=4G
  • dbms.memory.heap.max_size=11G
  • dbms.memory.pagecache.size=4G

but yet documentation suggest that min/max heap should be the same.

The heap memory size is determined by the parameters 
server.memory.heap.initial_size and server.memory.heap.max_size. 
It is recommended to set these two parameters to the same value
 to avoid unwanted full garbage collection pauses

Not that its going to solve your memory consumption usage etc.

I agree with Dana here... Neo4j, a graph database, is optimized for graphs and capturing information via relationships (edges). What you're trying to do here looks like you're trying to make Neo4j behave like a relational database, and I'm guessing that when you profile the query, you're going to see that this "isn't a great idea" :slight_smile:

Thank you for your reply.
I am currently using Neo4j version 5.20.0. I have already used the PROFILE command on small datasets, but now I need to run the query on a much larger dataset.
Following your advice of the memory settings, I have already change initial_size to 11G as well.

Thank you for your input, and I completely understand that this approach may not be ideal for Neo4j. However, due to the specific requirements of my project, I still need to proceed with this method...

That being said, if anyone has any tips or suggestions for optimizing memory usage in this situation, I'd really appreciate your advice!


also you indicate

  • dbms.memory.pagecache.size=4G

how large is your database?

I fully agree with @john.stegeman. You are trying to perform inner joins. This is not the use case for neo4j. You should replace your use of primary and foreign keys with relationships.