How to delete/create databases in Neo4j?

My test environment is as below
version : community 4.35
OS : CentOS 7

I am currently using neo4j single db because of community version.
How to delete/create databases in Neo4j?

I know of course to delete relationships and nodes by cypher, but that can be too costly just for testing sometimes.
Is there a way to delete/create the DB without using cypher query?

I searched other communities and recommended the following method.
DB location on Linux machines = /var/lib/neo4j/data/databases
To delete existing db : rm -rf /database/graph.db

However I can't find the relevant file in my environment.

Thank you.

If you want to delete it and create it again for testing, you can use the drop and create database commands.

My test environment is community version that does not support the commands.