Hi, Using Cypher Query, may I know to create a relationship like in the image below while importing csv?
For Example If my node label is Airport
And I have distance from one airport to another airport.
Now I want to show this in the format I mentioned
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '///filename.csv' AS row
WITH row
MATCH (a:airport {name:row.`Airport Name```)
Hi @mochalla ,
If you want to create a relationship starting and ending in the same node you could do something like this:
MATCH (n:Node {id: "1"})
Note: you should use your own property on Node. You should also change the relationship name to a more according one.
What error do you see?
Here is the example data I am sharing.
In the node all the countries are included. Now I want to connect the distance of each country with the relationship. I don't want to create two nodes here.
// Create relationships
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '///filename.csv' AS row
WITH row
MATCH (c:Country{name: row.`Country 1`})
MATCH (c:Country{name: row.`Country 2`})
CREATE (c)-[cc:DISTANCE]->(c)
SET cc.name = row.`Distance (km)`
MERGE (a:Country {name: row.`Country 1`})
MERGE (b:Country {name: row.`Country 2`})
SET r.distance = row.`Distance (km)`
Getting this error
Invalid input 'r': expected whitespace, '.', node labels or rel types, '[', '^', '*', '/', '%', '+', '-', "=~", IN, STARTS, ENDS, CONTAINS, IS, '=', "<>", "!=", '<', '>', "<=", ">=", AND, XOR, OR or AS (line 2, column 198 (offset: 221))
"LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM ''file:///distance.csv''row FIELDTERMINATOR ','"
I see no changes and no records.
I tested the query with your data and it works on my side.
Can you show your query?
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ2ZbQefv3WRlgTdHLe0WSoJGW4oX_WfBt3uB5S9wL_QFTb3YDN34wf3mad3Q_AwxllWxCm15tg_zP7/pub?gid=0&single=true&output=csv' AS row FIELDTERMINATOR ','
MERGE (a:Country {name: row.`Country 1`})
MERGE (b:Country {name: row.`Country 2`})
SET r.distance = row.`Distance (km)`
It worked now. I tried with other data, it was showing the error I mentioned. But this worked wit the example data. Will try to figure it out. Thanks a lot.
Read all the details here to check if you have the right configuration to import files remotely.