Attached is the schema of a graph for a retail sales dataset. I would like to create relationships between products that are in the same order. I've also attached an Arrow model of what I'm trying to do - see [:BOUGHT_WITH]. I've tried a few things but nothing has worked. Any help would be appreciated, thanks so much!
with n, collect(p) as products
unwind products as prod1
unwind products as prod2
with prod1, prod2
where id(prod1) < id(prod2)
Try this:
MATCH (a:OrderID)-[:ORDER_CONTAINS}->(b:Product)
WHERE a.orderID = 123
WITH b order by id(b) ASC
WITH collect(b) as prods
RETURN prods
It looks like you should have a property on the Order node with each Product ID in a property of type List, assuming each Order points to the Product Catalog, or use an intermediate node " Item" that links
Order->Item->Product , I like this because maintenance of the Product catalog, You can use more properties in Item, quantity , unit price , total amount , date, etc So it depends in your businnes use case