How to configure Neo4j to run multiple queries at the same time?

Hi all,

I've prepared my Neo4j instance to run on docker. It works fine, but I started to test how does it handle processing of multiple queries at the time. It turns out that it just queues them and
handle them sequentially. I wonder if there is a configuration setting that would allow database
to process multiple queries at the time.

I use simple docker-compose.

version: '3.8'
image: neo4j:5.1
hostname: neo4j
container_name: neo4j
- "7474:7474"
- "7687:7687"
- ./neo4j/conf:/conf
- ./neo4j/data:/data
- ./neo4j/logs:/logs
- ./neo4j/plugins:/plugins
- ../workspace:/workspace
- NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS=["apoc", "n10s"]

I don't understand. How are you executing the queries? Are you using a driver in your application? Those will not be queued and executed sequentially. The browser allows only one at a time. You can separate cypher statements with semicolons in one requests, but they are executed sequentially.