How to call POST method with request on APOC Trigger

My APOC Function

CALL apoc.trigger.add('updateTrigger',
        'UNWIND keys($assignedNodeProperties) as k
        UNWIND $assignedNodeProperties[k] AS prop
        with prop.node AS node, prop.key AS key, prop.old AS oldValue, AS newValue
        with {
        createdDateTime:timestamp()} as requestBody

         CALL apoc.load.jsonParams("", 
         {method: "POST"},
        ) yield value return value
', {phase:'before'});`

whenever i will update my property it should call POST API request
In this requestBody i want to pass all values.

My APOC Trigger Works but when i pass my requestBody to the apoc.convert.toJson(body) method

i got my requestBody map like

I don't know why my requestBody became key in this scenario
is there any syntax error
please let me know.

I want to achieve this on my cloud function

I print this bodyRequest on my firebase cloud function console using below method"/api/slidt-apoc", (req, res) => {

let body = req.body;
let data=JSON.stringify(body)
console.log("Request Data "+data);

I got above result

Please help

That's really unexpected. Perhaps you need to add content-type application/json to the request and to the server too. Not that the server just used x-url-encode-form-data by default?

it should just work, like this :return apoc.convert.toJson({a:42})

can you please open a GH issue

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