How to Backup Neo4j

Hello! I am a beginner in Neo4j and I am carrying out a project in the area of Software Engineering with this database. In this moment of social isolation, I can no longer gather the team to work, so that the others have access to what I do I thought about the backup to send to them, but I don't know how to do it.
Can anyone help me with a step by step tutorial on how to make a backup on Neo4j? Explanatory images or video would help a lot ...

I wait ... Hugs to all!

I had this problem as well and ended up using the Bitnami Neo4j CE AMI instead of Docker on EC2. We were using the official Neo4j CE AMI but they stopped supporting it for EC2.

I was able to figure out how to backup Community Edition. Running Neo4j on EC2 using the ami bitnami-neo4j-4.4.6-0-linux-debian-10-x86_64:

# environment

export BITNAMI_NEO4J=/bitnami/neo4j

export BITNAMI_HOME=/home/bitnami

### backup ###

# stop neo4j then run these steps

cd ${BITNAMI_NEO4J}/data/ && zip -r ${BITNAMI_HOME}/ databases/

result=$(aws s3 cp ${BITNAMI_HOME}/ s3://${DATA_BUCKET_NAME}/backups/neo4j/$$(date +'%Y/%m/%d/%H')/ && \

echo $$result


# start neo4j

### restore from backup ###

# stop neo4j then run these steps

aws s3 cp s3://${DATA_BUCKET_NAME}/backups/neo4j/2022/10/12/18/ ${BITNAMI_HOME}/

unzip -o ${BITNAMI_HOME}/

cp -r databases/* ${BITNAMI_NEO4J}/data/databases/

chown -R neo4j:neo4j ${BITNAMI_NEO4J}/data/databases/


rm -r ${BITNAMI_HOME}/databases/

# start neo4j

The part that messed me up was to update the permissions when restoring the backup. I tested this by deleting all node then restoring to make sure they were available again.