Hi everyone, I'm new to neo4j and I've been trying to find out a way to do this on my own, but couldn't find a way.
For example if i have this dataset
CREATE (a:Address{id: 'a'})
CREATE (b:Address{id: 'b'})
CREATE (c:Address{id: 'c'})
CREATE (a)-[t:Transaction{value: '5'}]->(b)
CREATE (a)-[t:Transaction{value: '10'}]->(b)
CREATE (a)-[t:Transaction{value: '4'}]->(b)
CREATE (b)-[t:Transaction{value: '8'}]->(c)
CREATE (a)-[t:Transaction{value: '6'}]->(c)
How would one display without having hundreds of relationship arrows from one node to another, but rather a single arrow that sums 'value' into a single arrow, for each node.
Having two relationship arrows per pair of nodes (in and out) is fine, but if having a single relationship (subtracting from two and picking the largest left) is viable, that would be better, unless the speed is a concern.