How to access Neo4j Ops Manager Home page?


Basically that, I have arrived to the point to register a NOM Agent for monitoring, but I'm unable to see in which port/address should Ops Manager be accessed. I have tried ports 8080 and 9090 on my Ops manager server address, unsuccessfully.

I have installed Ops Manager in a VM with Centos 7, which also has a running Neo4j DBMS (I was hoping to use the dbms both for Neo4j usage and Ops Manager, in different dbs; although i'm guessing this isn't advised). The NOM server is currently running and no other issues have been found at this point.

Any help will be appreciated, thanks!

Per default, if you followed the documentation the SERVER_PORT variable should be set to 8080. Thus you should be able to find the Web UI under https://localhost:8080 if started locally. Maybe there are some port forwarding/firewall issues with the VM?

Cheers, Sascha

I had another issue related to the user that was logging into neo4j, which didn't work because I had the auth disabled (lost the password for this testing environment).

Nevertheless, the answer is correct and I was able to access it this way, thanks!