i am beginner on neo4j, but not on .net and c#.
On other databases i can open the connector and if database is offline throw the connector an exeption or i can test it with a attach-function.
How can i do it on neo4j?
My "testcode":
// test connect to Neo4j
using (IDriver dbDriver = GraphDatabase.Driver("neo4J://localhost:7687", AuthTokens.Basic("neo4j", "none")))
// it is possible here to check is server reachable?
using (IAsyncSession dbSession = dbDriver.AsyncSession(o => o.WithDatabase("mydatabase")))
// or check it on this position?
string query = @"MATCH (n) RETURN n";
var result = await dbSession.ReadTransactionAsync(async tx =>
var cursor = await tx.RunAsync(query);
var fetched = await cursor.FetchAsync();
var output = new List<object>();
while (fetched)
fetched = await cursor.FetchAsync();
return output;
await dbSession.CloseAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
// only the ReadTransactionAsync throws exception
await dbDriver.CloseAsync();
regards Mario