Hi neo4j community, Greetings from The Netherlands

Hi fellows neo4j-ers!

I am Andrés. I am from Ecuador but I am currently living in The Netherlands. I just started my PhD and I am working with Machine Learning over Graphs. I am using Knowledge Graphs to add contextual information to my data. The idea is to leverage common sense knowledge bases (e.g., ConceptNet graph) for improving context characterization within smart environments.

I am new to neo4j, I hope I can contribute to the community as much as I am sure I will learn from it.

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Hello and welcome to the Neo4j community, @andres.tellog !

That's a rich area of research. I haven't looked at ConceptNet before, but the website https://conceptnet.io is intriguing and has a cool explanatory tree. :slight_smile:

Definitely let us know how your work progresses and if you need any help bringing ConceptNet into Neo4j.



Please have a look at Neo4j documentation online and figure out yourself what exactly what you want to get into.

Sameer Gijare