Property value is too large to index, please see index documentation for limitations. Index: Index( id=7, name='imp_uniq_TF_Ic', type='RANGE', schema=(:TF {Ic}), indexProvider='range-1.0' ), entity id: 4, property size: 10850.
Can you share your import statement?
And what your graph should look like.
i'am importing Data with , My data is looking like this :
My graph should look like this :
With : HF=Historical Features (one value) , TF=Temporal Features are the lists .
Data importer doesn't support array properties (yet).
But you can have it generate the cypher-script for you (three-dot-menu-drop-down) and you can adjust it.
Then you can convert columns with the arrays with apoc.convert.fromJsonList into native arrays in cypher and do with them what you want, e.g. UNWIND and find nodes with the values or set them as inidvidual values on nodes or relationships or as vectors.
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Thank You !!!! it works now ,