Hello, glilienfield, forgive me for not expressing myself clearly.
(1)My target: To Search the isomophic subgraphs from the database with the cypher.
Inputing the cypher queries to return the nodes and relationships of all matched subgraphs.
(2)For example
The target subgraph is:

There are two types of nodes: road and junction and one type of relationship: LINK_WITH. The three road nodes are linked with each other, and they are all linked to the node junction.
Therefore, the cypher describes the nodes and relationships of the target subgraph, which restricts the types of nodes and the specified connected relationships (also specified nodes and relationship properties).
The cypher is:
match p1=(road1:Road)-[link1:LINK_WITH]-(road2:Road)-[link2:LINK_WITH]-(road3:Road),p2=(road1)-[link3:LINK_WITH]-(road3)
where 100<=link1.angle<=120 and 100<=link2.angle<=120 and 100<=link3.angle<=140
with road1, road2, road3, p1,p2
match p3=(road1)-[:LINK_WITH]-(jun:Junction)-[:LINK_WITH]-(road2)
with road1, road2, road3, jun,p1,p2,p3
match p4=(road2)-[:LINK_WITH]-(jun)-[:LINK_WITH]-(road3)
with road1,road2,road3, jun,p2,p1,p3,p4
match p5=(road3)-[:LINK_WITH]-(jun)-[:LINK_WITH]-(road1)
with road1,road2,road3, jun,p3,p1,p2,p4,p5
with collect(distinct road1) as cr1, collect(distinct road2) as cr2, collect(distinct road3) as cr3,collect(distinct jun) as cj, collect(distinct p1) as cp1,collect(distinct p2) as cp2,collect(distinct p3) as cp3,collect(distinct p4) as cp4,collect(distinct p5) as cp5
return cr1,cr2,cr3,cj,cp1,cp2,cp3,cp4,cp5
The matched subgraphs are:
The table is:
(3)My problems:
First, I'm not sure whether the similar subgraphs within database are all matched .
Second, the cypher is complex, is there any concise and effective statement?
Third, the returned result is comolex, how to get nodes and relationships that can be phrased in .net driver simply.
Fourth, are there any tools that can match subgraphs directly and return the nodes and relationships. The apoc and gds library can't solve this problem, as far as I know, because they can't specify the relationships among specified nodes.
At last, thank you for sparing time reading my problems! I expect for your reply! Thanks again.