Hello from Gary


This is Gary. I am a product manager with Indeed. We use Neo4J to manage the taxonomy and ontology for occupations and skills of job seekers and jobs. I have been having a great time learning Cypher and all the great graph use cases. Most recently I have spent some time exploring the NeoDash tools. I am looking forward to learning from and contributing to this community.

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Hi Gary!

Great to have you join the graph community. That's an interesting use case. I guess you'd have something of a layered graph, with a "meta graph" containing the ontology and then one or more "instance graphs" with the real world people and opportunities. Is that right?

Hope your work with Neo4j goes well. Let us know how we can help.


Thanks Andreas. A lot of our focus is on organizing the occupations and associate attribute metadata concepts. You would be surprised at how many details and complexities can exist just in that space. That said there are other explorational efforts in terms of applying aggregated data and instance level data as well.

I like the "layered graph" concept as these different versions of the graph are really much of the same data, but at different depths.
