Hello all! I new to neo4J we are doing POC with Neo4J desktop version. Would like to know how much volume we can load into Neo4J desktop version


Could someone please clarify on the below points:

  1. We are doing POC with Neo4J desktop version, is there any limitation how much volume we can load.

  2. Any tools to estimate the cost for Neo4J?

Hi @sriganesh.palani ,

Neo4j Desktop is perfect for developing a proof of concept. The volume is limited by the memory and disk space of the physical machine that is running Neo4j Desktop.

The cost of deploying Neo4j for production is easiest to see in this article about AuraDB pricing: https://aura.support.neo4j.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404760574739-Neo4j-AuraDB-Instance-Size-and-Price-details
