Greetings from Finland

I am a database teacher retired from Haaga-Helia UAS but still active writing tutorials for DBTechNet consortium

Hello @martti.laiho !

Writing tutorials for DBTechNet sounds fantastic. Please share anything
you produce, if possible, as we'd love to promote your work.

And, of course, we'd be happy to help however possible.


Hello Andreas,
Thank you very much for your email! Our consortium consists of RDBMS oriented teachers, and Neo4j is new to most of us.
Currently we have working 3.5.8 version installed in Debian 10 Linux VMs, but now outdated.
I have tried to replace it with 5.6.0 community edition, and managed to get Cypher working with APOC library.
However, Neo4j Browser is not working, and help on this issue is most welcome.
Best regards
Martti Laiho

Hi @martti.laiho ,

Could you elaborate on the issue with Neo4j Browser? Is it not loading at all? Or failing to connect to the database? Or something else?


Hi Andreas,
Please find attached my experiment on installing Neo4j 5.7.0 Community Edition into a fresh new Debian10 VM.
When I try to start the Neo4j Browser nothing happens as you can see at the end of the attachement

Best regards

(Attachment InstallingNeo4j_5.7.0_communityEdition_in_Debian10.odt is missing)

Hi Andreas,
Please find attached my experiment on installing Neo4j 5.7.0 Community Edition into a fresh new Debian10 VM.
When I try to start the Neo4j Browser nothing happens as you can see below


Best regards


InstallingNeo4j_5.7.0_communityEdition_in_Debian10.txt (7.4 KB)

Really strange. Could be some web browser incompatibility that was introduced, but then I'd expect some errors in the console.

I'll try to replicate the conditions.


Hi Andreas,

Now the CLI app seems to work fine, but on the terminal window in which I started it, it connects to every 30 seconds to check the ../win/latest.yml for updates, for example
[12:45:54.819] [info] Graph App[neo4j-browser-id]: Checking 5.6.0 for suitable desktop API version
[12:45:54.829] [info] Graph App[neo4j-browser-id]: Version 5.6.0 satisfied. { desktopApiVersion: '1.4.0', packageDesktopApiVersion: '^1.4.0' }
[12:45:54.860] [info] Graph App[49410c0b-80f0-491c-b045-a52a5e214bcc]: Checking 1.6.0 for suitable desktop API version
[12:45:54.860] [info] Graph App[49410c0b-80f0-491c-b045-a52a5e214bcc]: Version 1.6.0 satisfied. { desktopApiVersion: '1.4.0', packageDesktopApiVersion: '^1.4.0' }
[12:45:54.907] [info] Graph App[neo4j-bloom-id]: Checking 2.7.1 for suitable desktop API version
[12:45:54.907] [info] Graph App[neo4j-bloom-id]: Version 2.7.1 satisfied. { desktopApiVersion: '1.4.0', packageDesktopApiVersion: '^1.4.0' }
[12:46:00.712] [info] Online check request:

How can I get stabilized and how I should start it?

Best regards

Hi Andreas,
Looking at Neo4j Desktop dokumentation I noticed that it requires Deban 11.
Br Martti

ma 24. huhtik. 2023 klo 14.48 Martti Laiho <> kirjoitti:

Hello Andreas,

Please find latest draft of DBTechNet's Neo4j tutorial at


Looking forward to your corrections or advice on what you recommend to be covered for novice readers.

Have nice Midsommer!

Br Martti