Graphing defect states

Has anyone tried to graph defect states as they progress through a system like Jira? I can easily graph the current state but seeing the progress through the workflow (including dates & delta time) is something I would to try to visualize. I have a CSV extracted from Jira and have the data but not sure on the underlying model. It could be similar to the Dr. Who exercise with the episodes.


I think something like the entity-state model might be relevant here (link is to a Neo4j plugin documentation that implements the entity-state model). Also a great blog post that covers it here: Keeping track of graph changes using temporal versioning | by Ljubica Lazarevic | Neo4j Developer Blog | Medium

But essentially you would have a node that represents the ticket (the entity) and relationships to its state (including the date and the relevant Jira status). Something like this:

This is the workflow as depicted in Jira. Essentially, I'm graphing the transitions similar to a linked list (head of the list and the current status for each Jira ticket).

I took a look at the article as well as the Versioner tool it referenced. That may meet the need I'm looking for without having to reinvent the wheel.