Graph Data Science Package

Hello, any idea on how to get the licensed version of the Graph Data Science package? I have the free enterprise version but it doesn't come with Graph Data Science

Hello @moo2 and thanks for reaching out to us.

There are several ways to get hold of the Neo4j Graph Data Science product. For a full listing, please see the GDS Manual: Installation - Neo4j Graph Data Science.

The easiest way to get started for free is probably by using Neo4j Desktop. Then you can install GDS with one button click. It is free to use with a trial license for 30 days.

If you are ready to pay, an even easier option is to try AuraDS: Neo4j AuraDS overview - Neo4j Aura

If you prefer self-hosting to our managed offering, and you need to use GDS past the trial license period, then you need to obtain an Enterprise license for GDS. To do this you need to contact Neo4j sales. Instructions are given in the GDS Manual: GDS Enterprise Edition - Neo4j Graph Data Science.

Lastly, I want to highlight the official GDS product page, which contains guides and other material that could be relevant for your business: Graph Data Science - Graph Database & Analytics.

Best regards