In Creating Nodes and Relationships In Neo4j 4.x course - Merging Data in the Graph section, Question 3
Given this
clause. Suppose that the p and m nodes exist in the graph, but you do not know whether the relationship exists. What are your options to process thisMERGE
MATCH (p {name: 'Jane Doe'}),(m:Movie {title:'The Good One'})
MERGE (p)-[rel:ACTED_IN]->(m)
SET rel.role=['role']
Select the correct answers.
- Use the default behavior. The relationship will be created if it doesn’t exist.
- Specify ON CREATE to perform additional processing when the relationship is created.
- Specify ON MATCH to perform additional processing when the relationship is not created.
- Specify ON DELETE to perform additional processing when the relationship is deleted.
The given answer is 1, 2 and 3.
However, I thought that the answer should just be 1. This is because MERGE (p)-[rel:ACTED_IN]->(m)
would create the relationship if it didn't already exist and nothing would be created if it already existed. Either way rel
would be available for SET rel.role=['role']
In any case, since we wouldn't know if the relation already existed or not, we would not know whether to use ON CREATE
, right?