I created a database in neo4j aura. I was given a bolt+routing URL.
This works when accessed via the Neo4j browser. I am trying to access it via firebase functions (NodeJS). I got the below error.
Error: Unknown scheme: bolt+routing
Then I found the below in the neo4j documents.
"bolt+routing scheme is now renamed to neo4j. neo4j scheme is designed to work work with all possible 4.0 server deployments, but bolt scheme is still available for explicit single instance connections."
I changed bolt+router into neo4j.
Now, I get the below error.
err { Neo4jError: Could not perform discovery. No routing servers available. Known routing table: RoutingTable[database=default database, expirationTime=0, currentTime=1576732474763, routers=, readers=, writers=]
Initially, I got the same error while I accessed the community edition hosted in a GCP instance. Now it is happening with Aura.
Thank you.