Getting assembly reference error after changing to latest Neo4j .net driver


Our application is in .NET 4.7 MVC with AngularJS.
We are migrating from earlier Neo4j version to the current version of 4.3.2.
But while compiling the code, it is showing this error.

Error CS0012 The type 'EncryptionLevel' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'Neo4j.Driver, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b646bc66d277ac07'.

We have added the latest version to Nuget Package and tried many different ways but this error is persisting.

Has anyone else experienced this issue with the latest Neo4j .net drivers?
Can someone help with a solution?


Please see the reply to this post: The type 'EncryptionLevel' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'Neo4j.Driver - #2 by charlotte.skardon which I think is the same.

All the best


Exact same problem here. We already referenced the signed driver.

My solution was to run "Update-Package -reinstall Neo4j.Driver.Signed".