I'm new to neo4j and tried making a query that gets the following:
- all stories of friends that haven't been seen by the user & aren't private
- comments of friends on that story
- likes of friends on that story
My query looks like this:
Match (P:User {id: 5})
Match (a:Story)-[BEL_TO]->(P2: User)-[:FRI]-(P)
Where not (P)-[:SEEN]->(a) AND NOT a.priv = "bf"
optional Match (a)<-[:LIKE]-(P3: User)-[:FRI]-(P)
with a, COLLECT({id: P3.id, name: P3.name}) as flikes
optional Match (a)<-[:COM_ON]-(com:Com)-[:BEL_TO]->(P4: User)-[:FRI]-(P)
RETURN a.id as id, flikes, COLLECT({id: P4.id, name: P4.name, comment: com}) as fcomments
When I run this query, I get the results I want, but I tested the query in the following scenario:
- 1000 "new" posts (no relation seen)
- 50 likes and comments on each post
- user has 1000 friends
The query takes around 1500 ms
Is there a way to make this query more efficient/faster ?
Things I thought of:
- adding an index (but don't know where)
- using "join on a" (but gave errors in neo4j)
Thanks in advance.
Screenshot of profiler: