Is there some simple way to generate random data when playing with Neo4j browser, please? In other databases I can do something like this:
FOR i IN 1..1000
name: CONCAT("test", i),
value: 100 + FLOOR(RAND() * (150 - 100 + 1))
} IN myCollection
to generate 1000 nodes. Is there something similar in Cypher, please? Thank you.
Seems like I just found it, adding it here for reference: Generating Graphs - APOC Extended Documentation
You can do something as follows directly in cypher.
with range(1,5) as indexes
unwind indexes as index
create(n:LABEL {randomValue: rand()})
return n
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Your welcome. Other math operations you can use can be found here, such as ceil and floor:
And the reference card is great:
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