GDS runs in heap and heap is by default set to 25% of system memory, leading to OOM quickly, way to make it dynamically "more"?

Hey all,
We are running GDS in an ephemeral Neo4J sidecar in K8S.
We give that pod 120GB of ram but noticed it OOM died at ~ 40GB max usage.

Digging into the docs we found this page

But what I'm wondering is: Why do we need to bother? Can't Neo4J just use everything we give it? It's running in a pod, having to maintain & align 2 "upper thresholds" in parallel is kind of painful.

Any way to make neo4j utilize the full system memory instead of having to manually manage heap?

I wish the answer was yes. But no, for now, you have to configure memory in a way so it fits your workload. So for your ephemeral GDS pod, I would give as much as possible to heap.

Usually, I set both initial and max to the same value:


Good approach to run GDS as an ephemeral side kick, keep up the good work. I will try to circle back to you because there may be some exciting new tricks later on (ping me in a month?).