Gds.graph.create doesn't support String for nodeProperties data type?

call gds.graph.create('graph', 'Person', 'HELPS', {nodeProperties:['name'], relationshipProperties:['weight']}) yield graphName

I got the following error.

"Failed to invoke procedure gds.graph.create: Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Loading of values of type String is currently not supported."

I tested it on Neo4j Desktop latest version when I follow Neo4j training.
I can run the same query without error if I use a number type property as nodeProperties.

I stumbeled over this post just now because i would like to compute a dijkstra source-target path. From this path I am not only interested in the nodes but as well the edges and their properties, because they yield important information in text form. My data is derived from textmining so everything is basically text.