GDS Cypher Projection: DateTime not supported?

So, is it possible to project node property of time DateTime in Cypher projection?
Or one has to encode it into something else?

  MATCH (source)-[r:CONTAINS|WAS_OBSERVED|IN_LANE]->(target)
    WHERE source:Scene OR source:Object OR source:ObjectObservation
    WITH gds.graph.project(
        sourceNodeProperties: source {scene_id: coalesce(source.scene_id, 0),obj_type: coalesce(source.obj_type, 0), timestamp: coalesce(source.timestamp, 0),\
            obj_id: coalesce(source.obj_id, 0), which_lane: coalesce(source.which_lane, 0) , obj_obs: coalesce(source.obj_obs, 0)},
        targetNodeProperties: target {obj_type: coalesce(target.obj_type, 0),which_lane: coalesce(target.which_lane, 0),timestamp: coalesce(target.timestamp, 0),\
            scene_id: coalesce(target.scene_id, 0), obj_id: coalesce(target.obj_id, 0), obj_obs: coalesce(target.obj_obs, 0) }
    ) as g
    RETURN g.graphName AS graph, g.nodeCount AS nodes, g.relationshipCount AS rel

and it gives the following error

  neo4j.exceptions.ClientError: {code: Neo.ClientError.Procedure.ProcedureCallFailed} {message:
     Failed to invoke function `gds.graph.project`: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported GDS node property of type `DateTime`.}

Hi @mshahidch,

Yes, DateTime properties are not supported in GDS graph projections. The supported types are listed in the table here: Creating graphs - Neo4j Graph Data Science

Might I ask why you want to have the DateTime properties in the projection? Perhaps encoding them as integers or something might work for your use case?
