What I tried like this:
I made News--RootWord graph and added news_group property on News nodes by GDS Louvain.
Project News--RootWord graph as 'news'.
Create subgraph:
call gds.beta.graph.create.subgraph(
It created a subgraph of 285 nodes and 0 relations.
- So I exported the "news" graph into a new graph in the neo4j server:
call gds.graph.export('news', {dbName:'news'})
and then browse the news group of 740(one of Louvain result group ids):
match (n:News)-[:FROM_NEWS]->(r:RootWord) where n.news_group=740
return n, r
It displayed thousands relationships of "FROM_NEWS" within the nodes of the news_group(740).
Would it be a bug or am I doing something wrong when I creat subgraph in memory?