hello, I'm tryna use cypher projections on algos like PageRank and FastRP but my issue is, they both alter properties on all projected nodes.
To explain it further, take for example a user having the ability to like a product/offer and also comment or even buy them, in order to achieve this using cypher projections I need to project nodes of type user, product and offer, and the relation projection would be user-bought/liked/commented_on->offer/product, which makes sense, but then these algos would add scores on users, offers and products when i want them to consider them in the relation and calculations, but not write properties to them (I tried using nodeLabels as part of the algo configs, but no luck).
Here's a sample of what I project (In this case, PageRank on the best categories per community):
CALL gds.graph.project.cypher('pagerank',
'MATCH(n) WHERE (n:User AND n.communityId = 14) OR n:Category RETURN id(n) AS id',
"MATCH (u:User)-[r:INTERESTED_IN]->(n:Category) WHERE u.communityId = 14 RETURN id(u) as source, id(n) as target"
In that case, both users and categories get a pagerank property when I run the algorithm in write mode, same for running FastRP or anything that has multiple node/relation projection.
Am I missing something drastic here? still a beginner to GDS in general, thanks in advance!