GDS 2.1.12 Don't filter Nodes When Runs an Algorithm

I've been using gds for native graph projection with directive ['*'] for nodeProjection parameter, the name of graph projected is "compranet" the labels are "UC:Sospechoso","Contrato", "Provedor"

  1. the result of projection was "nodes: {_ALL _

  2. When I used de graph projected 'compranet' in algorithm using the same for labels ['*'] , then the comprobation is OK , returns all labels

  3. Then using explicit node filter like ['UC','Proveedor'] in algorithm ,the filter doesn't work , the results retrieve all nodes again.You can see at image with validation label "Contrato" doesn't have to be there , I had to review these because my rowcounts (validation) doesn't check

  4. At least I have to create graph projections explicit the labels name

The behavior expected for node filtering it's ok or I did understand something mistaken? or a bug in gds library ?

Thanks in advanced

Hi, Michael

"UC:Sospechoso" is the same node, but "Contrato" node labels in the results hasn't to be there, I've created the issue but with Fraud Risk Prevention Graph DataBase


Can you share the graph model and the exact code you're using in the projection and the algorithms in

So that we can rule out it's a bug.

Also you said the graph has UC:Sospechoso as label but you used UC ?? Which is not the same label?

Hi Michael ,

I received an email with "close" bug status , because an explicit graph projection can be created, instead using ['*'] It's worry about "the solution" of the bug.
Since I :

1.- I've noticed about the bug ,because my control numbers were don't match.
2.- I shared with the people assigned to the bug solution, the reason why I can't create a graph projection for every need :memory allocation
3.-Then what about the documentation ?

At the moment I have to extend my testing to cover the GDS too :neutral_face:
