Many thanks Gary. This works, but it returns the items as separate records. I was trying to avoid this so it can be exported else where as single string list. Is there a solution which would return all items in the one record?
I did notice one strange quirk. When using RETURN apoc.text once, it was fine, but when using it twice eg RETURN apoc.tex...AS ingredientList, apoc.text.....AS stepsList
then it would return the correct items in the list but they would be repeated three times.
When using it for RETURN x3 lists, then it returned the items in the list six times.
MATCH (a)-[:CONTAINS_INGREDIENT]->(i:ingredient)
with reduce(s='',i in collect(i.ingredientName) | s + ',' + i) as singleString
return right(singleString,size(singleString)-1) AS ingredientList