Continuing the discussion from Setting the stack size doesn't seems to work:
Andrew, I read the Michael doc and created the batch of data to pass to the query.
But I had no success.
The batch of data reflect the description of Michael:
{batch: [{row1},{row2},{row3},...10k]}
UNWIND {batch} as row
// now perform updates with the data in each "row" map
{batch: [
{ Paziente: { ID: 1, cognome: "AAAA", nome: "BBBB", nascita: "27/08/1984"} },
{ Paziente => { ID: 2, cognome: "CCCC", nome: "Federica", nascita: "18/07/1971",recapito {cellulare: "3356654272", email: ""}} }
] }
UNWIND {batch} as row
But it always returns an error, in this case
Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError: Invalid input '{': expected <init> (line 1, column 1 (offset: 0)) "{batch: [" ^
I tried different variants, like explicit passing as param, with no success. Any idea?
I suggest to review and explain better how to define and how to use param, because the examples are too limited and it seems nor running with the 3.5.0