Transaction failed and will be retried in 1.0608892687544587s (Failed to read from defunct connection Address(host='IP', port=7687) (Address(host='IP', port=7687)))
I don't know what I have to change or check. I also tried Neo4j Desktop and I have the same error.
I have the same problem with the official Python Driver and Neo4j. I've been receiving this error: "Failed to read from defunct connection IPv4Address(('HOST', 7687)) (IPv4Address(('IPADDRESS', 7687)))"
It seems like there are already open GitHub issues for this, but there are no updates yet as far as I can tell.
Has anyone on this forum managed to solve this issue?
For me, I tend to see this error message particularly often on those days when my python code updates the Neo4j graph database with csv files around 1G or more. Based on what I read on those GitHub threads, at some point the Python driver loses the connection to Neo4j if a considerable amount of times has passed. But I still find that a bit odd because on other days the updates finish in about 6 hours so clearly the connection remains even after a couple of hours.
I'm going to try to increase the
parameter so that the connection is maintained longer but people are saying that does not solve the problem.
I moved from a server installation of Neo4j community to Aura and am starting to regret it because I'm finding Aura both a lot slower and has this error every couple of hours on our live system. It recovers after a few seconds and then works again, but I've had comments from clients.
max_connection_lifetime is 50 minutes. 50*60 seconds. I read that this can solve the issue, but it doesn't.
I get this error each time it fails:
neo4j.exceptions.SessionExpired: Failed to read from defunct connection IPv4Address(('XXX', 7687)) (ResolvedIPv4Address(('xx.xx.xx.xx', 7687)))
Followed by this kind of error when I try the request again during the period it's re-establishing connection.
neo4j.exceptions.NotALeader: {code: Neo.ClientError.Cluster.NotALeader} {message: Unable to route to database 'neo4j'. Unable to get bolt address of leader.}