I am running into an error on my server deployment that I cant seem to replicate elsewhere. I have tried the same query on 4.1.1 community on my laptop and it runs successfully. Seeing pagecache listed in the error I had wondered if it was memory related, but for a sanity check I even tried moving the pagecache way down to 128m locally to replicate and it still runs fine. I get the error running the cypher query via neo4j-driver as well as in the neo4j browser.
Neo4j version: 4.1.1 community
GDS Version: 1.3.3
CALL gds.graph.create(
all_edges: {
orientation: 'UNDIRECTED'
nodeProperties: 'size',
relationshipProperties: 'weight'
Error received:
Failed to invoke procedure `gds.graph.create`: Caused by: org.neo4j.io.pagecache.CursorException: PropertyRecord claims to have more property blocks than can fit in a record
graph info
165K nodes, 900K edges
Thanks in advance for any help,