executeWrite: TransactionExecutionLimit: timeout (exceeded max retry time: 30s) after 3 attempts

I hit this error sometimes when writing to neo4j:

executeWrite: TransactionExecutionLimit: timeout (exceeded max retry time: 30s) after 3 attempts, last error: ConnectivityError: Timeout while waiting for connection to any of [[p-29ee6442-d147-15.production-orch-0180.neo4j.io:7687]]: dial tcp: lookup p-29ee6442-d147-15.production-orch-0180.neo4j.io: i/o timeout

I am having a lot of write / delete operations happening against this db all the time (we're inserting over 60k nodes, but making sure we're abiding to how many neo4j can insert at once.)

Why does this happen? How can I stop this from happening? What steps should I take to handle this case?

I want to know what this is due to. Current ideas that could be causing this issue are:

  1. Writing too much concurrently to neo4j any time anyone starts a job. What is the max limit of concurrent operations we can have?
  2. The operation we're executing is too large in one go, and needs to be broken up into smaller operations to add to the db at once.

Let me know if I need to provide any other details, but I need this issue fixed ASAP! It's impacting my customers.

Can you please open an support ticket.
