Error loading Data of type Date in Spring Boot

Hi, greetings to all graph lovers like me.

I am facing a problem for which I turn to the community for help.
I have created a Fake Graph in python using the driver I normally install
pip install neo4j

I have a node with a property of type datetime and when I try to load the data from the backend of the project in java with Spring Boot it gives me this error:

org.neo4j.driver.exceptions.value.Uncoercible: Cannot coerce STRING to LocalDateTime

In python to try to correct this error I ran this code:

             MATCH (r:Review)
             set r.dateTimeMoment =, "ms", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")

but the problem of reading date type data from spring data persists.

In the node model in java my property is declared like this:
private LocalDateTime dateTimeMoment;

Cordially greetings

That apoc method converts a date string in one format to another date string in a different format, so it will not do what you want.

If you are trying to extract the value into a LocalDateTime value in java, then you should save the value as a timestamp in Neo4j. Assuming the issue is due to the date being stored as a string representation, convert it to a date time by passing the string value to datetime.

MATCH (r:Review) set r.dateTimeMoment = datetime(r.dateTimeMoment)

Thanks, i used your code and the error change to this new message:
org.neo4j.driver.exceptions.value.Uncoercible: Cannot coerce DATE_TIME to LocalDateTime

Sorry, try 'localdatetime' if you want your java type to be an instance of LocalDateTime. Use 'datetime' if you type your java object to ZonedDateTime instead.

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Hi, @glilienfield

Thanks, this fixed a big problem to me.

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