Hi @AndyHeap-NeoTec and @charlotte.skardon,
We're currently having an issue after updating from the 1.x neo4j-dotnet-driver to the 4.x driver. For the most part everything is working fine, until we tried to run an export via async session that writes to a file, with 16M+ records. Writing that many records to a file is a requirement that I can't work around unfortunately.
Typically, the driver hangs indefinitely. It does manage to write the first 1.5MB to disk, but then doesn't continue, usually.
I was able to get a run to export 13M of the 16M rows before it failed, after 10hrs+, with the empty read buffer / session timeout error.
I came across this post that sounds almost identical. The error is the same at any rate, when it does error out.
We're running driver v 4.1.1 and pointing to neo4j-enterprise v3.5.17 on a 3 server cluster.
Prior to the upgrade to the dotnet driver, the export was running in approx 20 minutes. So there's definitely something going on with it. I initially was only trying to find out if maybe the fetchSize wasn't compatible with v3.5.x. or there was something other than setting fetchSize to Infinite to try.
Any help would be appreciated!
Also, should I have a support ticket created to track this? I wasn't sure if the support contract covers the drivers.
-Mike French